“Intensely written, the dialogue fast cutting, disclosing not through the words themselves but through what was lying behind them, dormant till now but suddenly aflame.” The Spectator
“A cracking little psychodrama.” Sarah Hemming, Financial Times
A tense Irish psychodrama. Instead of attending his father's funeral, Neil sits alone in the back room of a Mayo pub. He's waiting for his girlfriend Grace, to beg forgiveness for an infidelity. Instead a family friend arrives with a letter that will change their lives forever. Staring the legendary Irish actor Jim Norton.
Foxes was first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 4th May 2017 and repeated on 28th May 2019.
SHORTLISTED: Best Original Audio Drama at the 2018 BBC Audio Drama Awards
Jim Norton
Eugene O’Hare
Director Peter Kavanagh
Production Co-ordinator Maggie Olgiati
Produced by BBC Radio